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Planning a Funeral

Hello, my name is Damian. Until last year, I had never planned a funeral. However, when both of my parents passed away within weeks of each other, I suddenly had to plan two. I was experiencing such grief that I didn't know where to start. Thankfully, my friend put me in touch with a fantastic funeral home who guided me through the entire process. They looked after the bodies, recommended a church and helped to arrange transport for guest. I decided to start this blog to help others who need to plan a funeral. I hope you find the information useful.



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Planning a Funeral

Should You Add a Photo to a Loved One's Cemetery Memorial?

by Christopher King

Although even the plainest of cemetery memorials offer a form of remembrance for the person buried, many families prefer for a loved one's memorial to be more personalised. When visiting a cemetery, you may have noticed that some memorials and monuments contain a photo of the deceased etched into the stone. When planning a memorial headstone for a loved one who has passed away, what's actually involved in adding a photo to the stone?

An Accurate Representation

It all starts with selecting the most appropriate photo of your loved one. It should be an accurate representation of how you wish to remember them. It doesn't necessarily have to be recent, however, it should show them as you knew them. For a family member who died in old age, it could be a photo of them in adulthood—the prime of their life. If your loved one died of an illness, the photo selected should depict them before the illness changed their physical appearance, if this was the case. 

A Solo Portrait

Ideally, the photo should be a solo portrait of your loved one, without anyone else in the shot, and on as plain a background as possible. When your loved one is the focus of the selected image, it's easier for it to be used as a template for the photo to be added to the memorial. A high-resolution digital image is generally easiest for the memorial provider to work with.

Methods for Adding the Photo

You will be offered a range of methods by which the photo is etched onto the stone. It can be produced as a separate unit, etched onto a durable porcelain square, which is then securely attached to the memorial headstone. Alternatively, the image can be laser etched directly onto the memorial. Especially detailed photos may require hand etching. The image will not be in colour, however, the etching will result in a number of different contrasts, making it appear like a black and white portrait. If you still don't know quite what to expect with the end result, your memorial provider should be able to show you a digital mockup of your intended design or may be able to show you previous examples of their work that includes added photographs. 

The personalisation of a memorial is important to many families, and there's little more personal than a beautiful photograph of your loved one at their final resting place.
